Rachel Flazon MBA
HR Change Management Specialist
Rachel Falzon is a Management Consultant who specialises in HR. Her main areas of specialisation are Organisational Development, Change Management and Learning and Development. Rachel holds an MBA from Henley Business School (University of Reading).
She occupied the post of Advisory Consultant in the People and Organisational service line with one of the Big Four and has held managerial posts in organisations across different sectors. In 2018 she founded ReWired HR Consultants to support organisations to rethink their management and HR practices to improve performance. Her approach includes partnering with leaders of organisations to drive change where needed, facilitating workshops and providing and coordinating training, upskilling and reskilling initiatives.
Rachel is an HR Quality Mark auditor for the Foundation for Human Resources Development (FHRD) in Malta and a member of the the Chamber of Commerce. She is voluntary contributor to the Chamber of Commerce Thematic on HR.